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There are a number of aspects to paddling safely, including:

  • What gear to bring and wear.
  • What skills are appropriate for the location.
  • What conditions you are likely to find at the location.
  • Proper training

Please check out our Documentation, Learning Resources, Paddling Resources, and Affiliated Retailers pages for information on these and other topics.

For members who would like training in wet exits and assisted self-rescues contact the OOPS Safety Director at

How to Obtain Wet Exit Certification (WEC)5-25-24.pdf 

How to Obtain Wet Exit Certification (WEC)5-25-24.docx

Members who request training or who are already comfortable with wet exits and assisted self- rescues may be certified during pool sessions, during scheduled trips, or by arrangement. For open-water sessions, be prepared for cold-water immersion. 

Member Benefits

CPR and First Aid Vouchers

Trip Organizers can attend CPR and First Aid training at a reduced cost by purchasing a class voucher from OOPS.  Payment is available through PayPal by clicking the button below:

Once payment is made, please forward notice of payment from PayPal to You will then receive your code to schedule your class with CPRLIFELINE online.

Replacement First Aid Supplies
Trip organizers can request replacement first aid supplies from

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